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Xiajin is an old county with a rich history and profound culture heritage. Back in the Spring-and-Autumn Period, vassal states fought for hegemony. At that time, three states, Zhao, Qi and Jin, formed a solid alliance because of the close geographical connections and their common goal for power. They tended to choose Xiajin as the best place to meet, because the water near it flowed slowly. So afterwards, someone said that Xiajin was the vital harbor of the alliance if Qi and Jin, and in Chinese, it was called yaojin. Furthermore, the alliance of the vassal states was also known as xiameng. So, the former name, Shucheng, was replaced by the new name, Xiajin. And this park was built in memory of the alliance of Qi and Jin.

Within the borders lies the eight landscapes. The Wei River floats like a jasper silk. The temple stands light and cool. And the sun is clad in rainbow garments, riding on the wind. The brimming waves delight the water on sunny days. Mossy tablet hides its inscription. Delicate pagoda glistening. As the sun coming up, the afterglow scattered into a beautiful scene. This sculpted relief originated from the Xiajin fu. The eight landscapes featured different styles. Their beauty was beyond description. So this relief came out to recreate those breath-taking scenery.

A side water and soil raises a party person. People growing in Xiajin are gentle and righteous. They composed a history of vast culture, as well as a history of praises and tears. You can see many former officers’ outstanding achievements on these tablets.

Now we are at the best viewing platform, the highest place of the park, the Nine-Dragon Pavilion. So why is it called Nine-Dragon Pavilion? Look at that. Across from the Alliance Park lies a beautiful lake, the Nine-Dragon Lake. It is a Class AA Tourist Attraction in Xiajin. The lake and the mountain complement each other perfectly. From up here, the bird’ s eye view of the park presents a huge taichi bagua. That’s where the architect’s ingenuity lies in.

Two thousand years’ history makes Xiajin what it is. Ever since the alliance of Qi and Jin, Xiajin has experienced highs and ups in its development. Having retraced its developing steps, let’s look forward to its bright future together!










A visit to the former address of the power plant

Hi,I’m Avery,from No.1 Middle School.And now I’m walking along The Great Canal.Through this narrow alley,I will show you a mysterious place.

Electricity ,the main power of a city. Now we’re in the former address of the power plant of Dezhou.The building stood behind me is the power plant of Dezhou,and it is a culture relic protection site now .As you can see ,the buildings around here  are all old-fashions .That’s because all of them were built in 1938 during the anti-Japanese war.

Let’s get a little closer.

De xian Electric Factory ,the former name of it,was a department of Qilu Electricity Company which belonged to Japan.It first got into operation in 1938 and it was called electricity house by old residents.

It locates in the Thiokol Street ,next to the old wharf on the branch of The Grand Canal from Beijing to Hangzhou.

An old lady told me that next to the main building were two chimneys of the power plant.The chimneys reached the height of 50 meters and it could be seen kilometers away,which made it the mark of Dezhou.It is said that the bricks of the arsenal were backed here,too.

And now we are in the south of the power plant. After the surrender of Japan in 1945,here was damaged by workers and residents. The nationalist forces tried to repair the machines but failed.In 1946,after the liberation,the people’s government organized technical workers to rebuild this power plant,and it was used until 1959 ,when the Hexi power plant was built .For the further development of the city,Hexi power plant takes the responsibility of producing power completely .And the former power plant stepped down from the stage of history and is being forgotten by people gradually.

Old days are gone,but the stories hidden in the history are waiting for us to explore ……

